United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County is pleased to announce that their Annual Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 21 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, located at 1040 P Street in Lincoln. Doors will open at 11:15 am and the Lunch/Program will run from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.  Tickets cost $35 and reservations for tables of 10 are available for $350.  Attendees are invited to RSVP by Tuesday, April 8.  Members of the public who cannot attend but wish to donate can do so by calling (402) 441-7700, or you can mail your checks to 238 S 13th Street, c/o United Way Match, Lincoln, NE 68508.  Several generous donors have come together to match gifts up to $75,000! United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County wishes to thank all their sponsors of this event.

United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County works to bring the whole community together to create long-term, lasting change.  United Way tackles issues facing Lincoln and Lancaster County as a whole. Together with more than 500 volunteers, they identify and prioritize community goals—whether those goals include shelter for displaced families or health and nutrition assistance for seniors—and bring together the right people, ideas, and resources to achieve them.  For more information about the United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County, please visit www.unitedwaylincoln.org.